Housing Justice


QCDSA’s Housing Justice Working Group was formed to organize tenants and agitate them into forming tenant unions.

Our broader aim is to seed our community with the radical idea that we deserve control of  our housing. We want to make tenant organizations commonplace to push back and contend with increasingly predatory and hostile landlords. The only power we have is the power we build together and we want to empower our community members to seize it, arm in arm with their neighbors.


  • Organizing – We work to organize tenants into unions to fight back against their landlords. We talk with tenants, organize them to hold meetings to develop consciousness of their issues and how they can work together to overcome them. We host community events in apartments  to build rapport and relationships while also discussing ongoing concerns and issues that the residents have regarding the building and property management. As time goes on, we hope to strengthen our relationships with the residents and invite them to attend educational events on how tenant organizing works and, more specifically, can work for the tenants themselves.
  • Tenant Education – We have a set of general trainings that we present as a series on tenant organizing overall. We also create more targeted presentations to offer to the residents we’re actively trying to organize so that we can speak directly and effectively to their needs and concerns. You can email us at housingjusticeqcdsa@gmail.com for more info!