Communications & Education
The Communications & Education Committee supports the public relations of the chapter and its work as well as facilitation political education of its members and for the general public . All successful socialist organizations and parties have had a strong, independent press to communicate their ideas and recruit the working class to their cause. We know that gaining knowledge, no matter the source, is crucial to any change, but especially the kinds of change we’re after.
- Radical Readings – Radical Readings is our book club and the members select the books to read, facilitate, and then discuss the book in question. It usually meets about twice a month to discuss the assigned reading. This is an excellent place to start participating if you’re feeling nervous and flat-footed. You are more than welcome to come and listen, if that suits you.
- Social media – With our presence on Facebook and Instagram, we use our social media as our main way of informing the public of our activities and mobilizing people to action.
- Website – Our Committee maintains and publishes content for our website, to have a permanent location of our chapter’s resources and publications.
- Quarterly Publication – A joint project of this committee and the Political Education Committee, this is a member-created quarterly publication in the form of a zine. A revival of The Tri-City Workers’ Magazine published by the Socialist Party of America in the Quad Cities over 100 years ago, The Quad-City Worker is meant to advance socialist politics in the area. Anyone can write, create art, and help publish it: you can submit content by filling out this form for review.