Bylaws of the Quad Cities Local Chapter
of Democratic Socialists of America
Adopted 2024-12-28
ARTICLE I. Name and Jurisdiction.
Section 1. Name
The name of the Local Chapter will be the Quad Cities Local Chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, hereinafter referred to as “QCDSA” or “Quad Cities DSA.” Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a not-for-profit corporation.
Section 2. Jurisdiction
QCDSA shall be composed of individuals (“Members”) who reside in and/or work in the Quad Cities area. Each member must be a resident and have a primary mailing address on file in the Quad Cities area as defined by the list of zip codes provided by National DSA.
ARTICLE II. Purpose.
The QCDSA strives to establish a radical democracy that places people’s lives under their own control, in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community. QCDSA rejects an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo. QCDSA works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination in all its forms. We recognize the right of self-defense in the face of attacks; we also support non-violent direct action in combating oppression.
No oppressed group has ever been liberated except by its own organized efforts to overthrow its oppressors. A society based on radical democracy, with power exercised through people’s organizations, requires a socialist transformation from below. People’s organizations cannot be created by legislation, nor can they spring into being only on the eve of a revolution. They can grow only in the course of popular struggles, especially those of women, labor, and minority groups. QCDSA works to build and support these organizations democratically.
We are committed to developing a concrete strategy for achieving that vision throughout the Quad Cities region. In the present, we are building a visible socialist presence within the local, democratic left. In the long term, we aim to build a majority movement capable of making democratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy acknowledges that true revolutions come from below. The working class will never be liberated except by its own organized grassroots efforts to overthrow the ruling capitalist class. The current class structure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between those sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of the population. QCDSA is committed to fighting injustices in our society, while standing in solidarity with the global working class.
ARTICLE III. Membership.
Section 1. Membership
Individuals may not be members of the Local Chapter without being members of National DSA. Members of the QCDSA will be those individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who reside in and/or work in the Quad Cities area. It will be the responsibility of members to approve policies, guidelines, and work priorities for the operation of the Local Chapter, to elect delegates to the national convention.
The membership is the highest decision-making body of the QCDSA. All formal decisions made by the membership at monthly Chapter Meetings or by some other manner as authorized by these Bylaws are binding upon all committees and officers of the Local Chapter including the Steering Committee.
Section 2. Expectations and Responsibilities
a. Inclusion
No person may be excluded from voting membership in QCDSA based on race; social or economic status; national origin; age; sex; gender; gender identity or presentation; disability; sexual orientation; religious affiliation, religious belief, or lack thereof; citizenship; or criminal record, including current incarceration.
b. Dues
Dues are paid to National DSA, and therefore membership status is handled by National DSA. National DSA may remove a member from DSA if dues are lapsed. Members removed due to lapsed dues retain the right to reapply for membership of DSA at a later time. There are also dues options available with National DSA to make membership affordable.
c. Voluntary Donations
As mandated by the National Constitution and Bylaws, the Local Chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary donations for its members. The payment of a Local Chapter donation shall not be a requirement for voting or for holding Local Chapter office.
d. Resignation
A member will be removed from the membership list per member’s request to
e. Removal by Local Chapter
Any member found to be operating in a way that runs counter to the plans and goals of the Local Chapter, its committees, and/or its working groups, found to be engaging in abusive and/or undemocratic behavior, found to repeatedly violate the DSA Code of Conduct for Members, or found to be under the discipline of any democratic centralist organization can be removed from the organization by a ¾ vote of the Membership. In order for such a finding to be made, another DSA member shall formally submit written charges against the member in question to the Local Chapter Steering Committee, who will set the date of a Local Chapter meeting for deliberations on the charges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written charges and notice of the meeting a minimum of 2 weeks before that meeting takes place. An expelled member in good standing must appeal first to the National Political Committee of DSA. Decisions on expulsion by either the Local or National Organization may be appealed to the National Convention.
Section 3. Member Orientation
We cannot be neutral on the issues we stand for, and this political education program is the starting point that leads to continuing education within QCDSA. New members are encouraged to participate in an orientation program to learn about organizing and leftist politics. Some of the goals of the program are to share a common vocabulary and set of conceptual foundations. We will also draw on theory, history, and praxis that can be applied to the world we currently live in, gain confidence and competence for engaging in political work, communicating ideas in our community, and organizing around the Local Chapter’s goals. Finally, members will gain the ability to confidently seek out related educational material and ideas beyond this program. The Membership Steward is responsible for orientation of new members. The Membership Steward will design the orientation to meet these goals.
ARTICLE IV. Chapter Meetings.
Section 1. Membership Assembly
The chapter will hold a minimum of 1 Membership Assembly annually, and all members of the chapter will receive 3 weeks written (or electronic) notice and an agenda of the Membership Assembly. The General Meeting will elect officers and may adopt an annual budget. In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local Chapter.
Section 2. Chapter Meetings
The Local Chapter will hold Chapter Meetings at least once a month, and all current members of the Local Chapter will receive 1 week written (or electronic) notice and an agenda of each Chapter Meeting. The time and place of Chapter Meetings shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Steering Committee. The Chapter Meetings will set chapter policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions. The Steering Committee will set the agenda for Meetings. In general, the Chapter Meeting is the operating legislative body of the chapter. The membership can designate a facilitator during the Chapter Meeting.
Section 3. Emergency Meetings
The Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local Chapter on 24 hours’ notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.
Section 4. Quorum
A quorum of 12% of the members (no fewer than 9 persons) is required for Membership Assembly, Chapter, or Emergency Meetings to transact business.
ARTICLE V. Steering Committee: Powers and Duties.
Section 1. Officers and Terms
The officers of the Local Chapter will be the 2 Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Steward, henceforth known as the Steering Committee. The term of office will be 1 year, and shall run from February 1 to January 31 or until their successors are elected. Each officer must be a member of the Local Chapter and be current in their dues at the time of election and throughout the duration of their term. No officer shall hold more than 1 office at any given time.
Section 2. Duties
The duties of the Steering Committee is to maintain the operations of the chapter, monitor the financial health of the chapter, represent the chapter in the Quad Cities, foster member involvement, ensure decisions of the Membership are carried out in a timely manner, and propose policy to the Chapter Meetings and Membership Assembly.
Section 3. Meetings
The meetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of any 3 members of the Steering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must be given 4 days’ oral or written notice for regular Steering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under special emergency circumstances. Three members of the Steering Committee are required for the transaction of Steering Committee business. Minutes of Steering Committee meetings shall be published and available for review by the general membership.
Section 4. Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy on the Steering Committee, the Steering Committee shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term either by scheduling an election no less than 30 days away from a Chapter Meeting or by appointment via simple majority vote of the Steering Committee. If it is deemed necessary, an interim officer could be appointed via simple majority vote of the Steering Committee until an election can be held.
Section 5. Co-Chairs
a. Co-Chairs will preside over Steering Committee Meetings or will appoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding officer as specified in Robert’s Rules of Order. Co-Chairs will serve as one of the spokespeople for the Membership and will initiate such actions and policies as the membership’s general welfare may demand. Co-Chairs will oversee the execution of the messaging strategy across all internal and external communications platforms and work with coalition members to maintain the message of the chapter.
b. The Co-Chairs will report to Chapter Meetings on the business of the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the minutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.
Section 6. Secretary
a. The Secretary will be responsible for answering all correspondence and queries of the Local Chapter, and for maintaining an up-to-date membership list of the Local Chapter. They will ensure effective communication with the National DSA. They will temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Chair, if one the Co-Chairs is not able to do so.
b. The Secretary will be responsible also for the taking of minutes of all membership and Steering Committee Meetings, and shall have custody of these minutes, and the resolutions, reports and other official records of the chapter. They shall transfer official records in good condition to their successor. Official records shall include meeting minutes and member lists.
Section 7. Treasurer
a. The Treasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of the chapter. All funds collected by the Local Chapter will be turned over to the Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the name of the chapter.
b. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer will be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid up-to-date.
c. The Treasurer may prepare an annual chapter budget, and deliver the chapter financial report to the Chapter Meeting of the chapter, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the Steering Committee of the chapter.
d. The Treasurer will prepare and present income and expenditure reports to members of the chapter in writing at the Chapter Meeting.
Section 8. Membership Steward.
The Steward shall be responsible for maintaining accurate rolls of QCDSA members, including but not limited to the following:
a. Confirmation of member addresses and contact information, and outreach to members for new/updated information where needed,
b. Processing of member signups and dues payments,
c. Removal of members from the rolls who have left the chapter, or otherwise become ineligible for membership,
d. Outreach to new members to confirm their location and direct them to their Local Chapter (if any) and the relevant officers/staff, and
e. Confirmation of chapter membership for all voters at Chapter Meetings.
f. Maintain relationships with current members and engage their level of activity in the chapter
Section 9. Additional Duties
The Steering Committee may assign additional temporary duties to an officer of the chapter, so long as such assignments do not conflict with the designation of responsibilities outlined in these Bylaws.
Section 10. Resignation
Any officer of the Local Chapter may electronically or physically submit their resignation to either the Steering Committee or Chapter Meeting. Upon resignation, the Steering Committee shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term either by scheduling an election no less than 30 days away from a Chapter Meeting or by appointment via simple majority vote of the Steering Committee.
Section 11. Suspension
Any officer of the Local Chapter may be temporarily suspended for 30 days at a Chapter Meeting as defined in Article IV. Any member may motion to recall and must state with specificity the acts of malfeasance, nonfeasance, gross negligence, undemocratic, or uncomradely behavior comprising the grounds for removal and must be seconded. The Chapter Meeting may adopt such a motion by a ⅔ vote.
Section 12. Recall
Any officer of the Local Chapter may be recalled for malfeasance or failure to fulfill their duties or obligations as an officer.
a. Recall by Vote of the Membership
To start the recall process, a member in good standing must formally refer a request to the Steering Committee. The request may, but is not required to, state a reason for the recall. Membership must be made aware that a recall vote is happening. The recall vote shall occur at the next available Chapter Meeting. Removal of an officer requires a quorum and ⅔ supermajority vote of the Chapter Meeting.
ARTICLE VI. Steering Committee: Procedures.
Section 1. Duties
a. The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the chapter and oversees the implementation of the decisions of the Chapter Meetings; it may also propose policy to the Chapter Meetings. It shall have the power to receive reports of any Committee or Working Group, and advise thereon, to call emergency meetings of the chapter, and to act on any matter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering Committee is the regular executive body of the chapter, and thus subordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Chapter Meetings.
b. The Steering Committee may recommend program activities for the Local Chapter, and propose guidelines and policies that will subsequently be voted on by members of DSA, and will be responsible for acting on the organization’s behalf between Chapter Meetings.
Section 2. Meetings
The meetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of at least 1 of the Co-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering Committee Meeting or by consultation with any 3 members of the Steering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must be given 4 days’ oral or written notice of regular Steering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under special emergency circumstances.
Section 3. Quorum
A quorum of 3 members of the Steering Committee is required for the transaction of Steering Committee business.
Section 4. Urgent Disbursement of Finances
In the event of an urgent need, the Steering Committee may approve spending Local Chapter funds no greater than $100.00 per month by a ⅔ majority vote. The Steering Committee must inform the Membership electronically within 24 hours of this vote detailing the justification for such a use of Local Chapter funds.
Section 5. Board of Directors
For the purposes of meeting the requirements of local and state incorporation laws, the Local Chapter shall have a “Board of Directors” consisting of members of the Steering Committee assigned for the purpose as logical and required by law.
ARTICLE VII. Young Democratic Socialists of America.
Section 1. Definition
Official Young Democratic Socialists of America chapters within the Local Chapter’s jurisdiction may participate in the Local Chapter’s activities.
ARTICLE VIII. Committees.
Section 1. Definition
The chapter will have Committees, which are permanent and address organizational functioning. Committees may be established or dissolved by a vote of full members at a Chapter Meeting. Committees are permanent and address organizational functioning of the Local Chapter such as communications, fundraising, etc. Committee chairs will be elected by DSA members. Committees cannot be chaired by Steering Committee members, but they can otherwise participate in committees as any other member of the DSA. Any committee created under this article may be dissolved by the members at a Chapter Meeting at any time by a simple majority vote. The motion to establish a committee must define the purpose of the committee, how the committee makes decisions, a deadline for its dissolution, and any Local Chapter resources it may need. The committee, upon formation, must write and maintain a set of bylaws to formalize its structure. The committee may be subject to additional rules of the Local Chapter.
Section 2. Duties
Chairs, or Co-Chairs, of committees will keep the Steering Committee and the Chapter Meetings informed on the activities of the committee. Committees will maintain meeting schedules, and will notify the Membership when committee meetings will be held.
Section 3. Financial Commitment
No standing committee shall make any financial commitment on behalf of the QCDSA without the prior consent of the Steering Committee or Chapter Meeting, unless financial powers have been specifically delegated to it, or unless specific arrangements have been made for the committee’s independent financial responsibility.
ARTICLE IX. Working Groups.
Section 1. Definition.
The chapter will have Working Groups which will address specific work and goals of the chapter such as campaigns, events, issues, etc. Working groups will remain in place as long as their specific work is being carried out. Working Groups may be established or dissolved by a vote of full members at Chapter Meetings. A working group focuses on the discussion, or activity, around a specific subject area. A working group can be a few months, or a few years when tasked with its targeted accomplishment(s). Working group chairs will be elected by DSA members. Working groups cannot be chaired by Steering Committee members, but they can otherwise participate in working groups as any other member of the DSA. Any working group created under this article may be dissolved by the members at a Chapter Meeting at any time by a simple majority vote. The motion to establish a working group must define its purpose, how the working group makes decisions, a deadline for its dissolution or renewal, and any Local Chapter resources it may need. The working group, upon formation, must write and maintain a set of bylaws to formalize its structure. The working group may be subject to additional rules of the Local Chapter.
Section 2. Duties
Chairs, or Co-Chairs, of working groups will keep the Steering Committee and the Chapter Meetings informed on the activities of the committee. Working groups will maintain meeting schedules, and will notify the Membership when committee meetings will be held.
Section 3. Financial Commitment
No working group shall make any financial commitment on behalf of the QCDSA without the prior consent of the Steering Committee or Chapter Meeting, unless financial powers have been specifically delegated to it, or unless specific arrangements have been made for the committee’s independent financial responsibility.
ARTICLE X. Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies.
Section 1. Convention
Chapter delegates and alternates to the National Convention will be elected by members of QCDSA. Elections for the National Convention delegation shall be held on the schedule announced by the national organization.
ARTICLE XI. Political Activity.
Section 1. Electoral Action
The political system, as it exists, is hostile to socialism and not fruitful as a primary avenue of change. We are open to pursuing socialist policies and supporting socialist candidates in the electoral process insofar as they work to establish an alternative and expand the political imagination. We are specifically aiming to move away from corporatocracy and towards public ownership. We advocate electoral action independent of the capitalist-controlled two-party system.
Section 2. Endorsements
Any endorsements of a political candidate must be communicated and coordinated by the membership, as voted on in Chapter Meetings. QCDSA will only endorse members of DSA. No single member can endorse a candidate on behalf of the Local Chapter. The Local Chapter may vote to endorse a candidate by ⅔ majority at a Chapter Meeting.
Section 3. Prohibited Activities
The Quad Cities Local Chapter shall not engage in activity prohibited by the IRS guidelines established for 501(c)(4) organizations or similar rules established by the state of Illinois or Iowa. Nor shall the Local Chapter engage in any activity prohibited by resolutions adopted by DSA’s National Convention or DSA’s National Political Committee. The specific requirements are that the chapter shall not engage in activity more than 50% of political activities (e.g., campaigning) as the primary aim, and cannot give financial contributions to political candidates directly in accordance with the Local Chapter’s 501(c)(4) status.
ARTICLE XII. Nominations.
Section 1. Nominations Committee
A 3-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least 1 month prior to every election by vote of a Chapter Meeting. The Nominations Committee shall solicit, receive, and confirm nominations for the positions to be elected. The Nominations Committee will conduct elections and announce the winners of any contests.
Section 2. Nominations Process
Nominations for Steering Committee members shall be opened 10 days before and closed at the Chapter Meeting. The call for nominations shall be announced to members of QCDSA in advance of the Chapter Meeting.
Section 3. Uncontested Positions
If a position is uncontested, the nominee will be declared elected by acclamation.
ARTICLE XIII. Amendments.
Section 1. Amendments
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be made by written resolution, endorsed by 5 members of the Local Chapter of DSA, and submitted to the Steering Committee 30 days in advance of a Chapter Meeting. The Steering Committee is required to provide the chapter membership with 14 days’ written notice of the proposed amendments. The amendment must be approved by a ⅔ majority vote at the Chapter Meeting, with the endorsing members present at the Chapter Meeting.
ARTICLE XIV. Decision-Making Process.
Section 1. Rules
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern this Local Chapter as they are applicable and unless they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.
Section 2. Action Out of Order
Any action taken by an officer or member of the Local Chapter in contravention of these Bylaws is null and void.
ARTICLE XV. Internal Voting Rules.
Section 1. Ranked Choice Voting
All elections called for in these bylaws for which a single seat is to be filled shall be conducted by ranked-choice voting. To win, a candidate must secure a majority of votes from all ballots, including exhausted ballots. The Local Chapter should use a transparent, Internet-based voting platform for chapter elections, whenever possible, such as OpaVote.
Section 2. Single Transferable Vote
All elections will be conducted by Single Transferable Vote, Scottish style, as defined by OpaVote.
The election of Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee shall be decided by a single contest where the 2 most winning candidates in the election are elected as Co-Chairs.
ARTICLE XVI. Local Chapter Dissolution.
Section 1. Dissolution
A proposal to dissolve the Local Chapter must be made by written resolution, endorsed by 5 members of the Local Chapter, and submitted to the Steering Committee at least 30 days in advance of a Chapter Meeting as defined in Article IV. The Steering Committee is required to provide the Chapter membership with at least 14 days physical or electronic notice of this resolution. The Chapter Meeting may adopt a resolution to dissolve the Local Chapter under this article by a ¾ vote, with the endorsing members present at the Chapter Meeting. Upon dissolution of the Local Chapter, any residual assets shall become property of the national organization of Democratic Socialists of America.
ARTICLE XVII. Grievance Procedure.
Section 1. Grievance Procedure
The Local Chapter will follow the Harassment Policy of National DSA (Resolution 33).
Section 2. Harassment Grievance Officers
The Chapter shall elect two Harassment Grievance Officers (HGOs) at the Membership Assembly. The term of office will be 1 year and shall run from February 1 to January 31 or until their successors are elected. Each HGO must be a member of the Local Chapter and be current in their dues at the time of election and throughout the duration of their term. No HGO shall hold an office on the Steering Committee during their term.
Section 3. Nominations
Nominations for HGO positions shall follow the same procedures as nominations for Steering Committee positions as outlined in Article XII.
Section 4. Resignation and Vacancies
An HGO may electronically or physically submit their resignation to either the Steering Committee or Chapter Meeting. Upon resignation or vacancy, the Steering Committee shall seek to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term by election at a Chapter Meeting.
Section 5. Suspension and Recall
Suspension or recall of an HGO shall follow the procedures of Article V Sections 11-12.
Section 6. Duties
The duties of HGOs and the Steering Committee in the harassment grievance process shall be those defined within the Harassment Policy of National DSA (Resolution 33).