From Karl Marx submitting his first article to The Rheinische Zeitung, to Russian workers printing Pravda in defiance of the Tzar, and to the first issue of The Black Panther introducing a new generation to revolutionary thought, socialists have had a long and storied history of producing their own printed media. Not just as a way of getting around the censorship of the state and the capitalist propaganda apparatus, but as a form of self-expression, forum for important discussions, and as a work of love. As members of the Steering Committee of the Quad Cities chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, we are excited by all the dedication and labor our comrades have displayed in the starting of this publication.  We are honored to be given a chance to be included in our chapter’s humble contribution to the proud tradition of Socialist revolutionary publication.

In solidarity,
Steering Committee, QCDSA
James B, Ricky N, Meagan R, Ciara B, Julia C

Quad Cities DSA