Quad Cities DSA condemns the Iowa Supreme Court’s ruling that further damages abortion rights. Abortion is not only still safe and legal in Iowa, but also overwhelmingly popular: nearly 80% of Americans support keeping access to abortions completely legal. Knowing this, it further proves what we at DSA have known for years: that the court system of the United States is a corrupt and undemocratic institution that does not serve the interests of the working class. The U.S. does not guarantee paid parental leave, has no free childcare, and no universal healthcare system, so the erosion of abortion rights means that workers will have less time and money to take care of their families, forcing people, particularly women and queer people, to work longer to make ends meet. We encourage everyone who cares about abortion rights to donate to the Iowa Abortion Access Fund to provide the means for people to continue to still have a safe and legal abortion.